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C/C++ Source or Header
141 lines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <mem.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void SetGraphicsMode( void );
void SetTextMode( void );
void SetDac( char Dac, char Red, char Green, char Blue );
void GetDac( char Dac, char *Red, char *Green, char *Blue );
void SetBlock( char Dac, char *Array, char Num );
void GetBlock( char Dac, char *Array, char Num );
void SetPoint( int X, int Y, unsigned char Color );
void GetPoint( int X, int Y, unsigned char *Color );
char far *screen; // This is the pointer to the graphics screen
void SetGraphicsMode( void )
asm {
mov ax,0x13
int 0x10
screen = (char far*)MK_FP( 0xA000, 0 );
void SetTextMode( void )
asm {
mov ax,0x03
int 0x10;
void SetDac( char Dac, char Red, char Green, char Blue )
asm {
mov dh, Red
mov ch, Green
mov cl, Blue
mov ax, 0x1010
mov bl, Dac
int 0x10
void GetDac( char Dac, char *Red, char *Green, char *Blue )
asm {
mov ax, 0x1015
mov bl, Dac
int 0x10
*Red = _DH;
*Green = _CH;
*Blue = _CL;
void SetBlock( char Dac, char *Array, char Num )
int AS, AO;
AS = FP_SEG( Array );
AO = FP_OFF( Array );
asm {
push es
mov ax, AS
mov es, ax
mov dx, AO
xor ch, ch
mov cl, Num
mov ax, 0x1012
xor bh, bh
mov bl, Dac
int 0x10
pop es
void GetBlock( char Dac, char *Array, char Num )
int AS, AO;
AS = FP_SEG( Array );
AO = FP_OFF( Array );
asm {
push es
mov ax, AS
mov es, ax
mov dx, AO
xor ch, ch
mov cl, Num
mov ax, 0x1017
xor bh, bh
mov bl, Dac
int 0x10
pop es
void SetPoint( int X, int Y, unsigned char Color )
asm {
push ds /* Save registers */
push bx
mov ax,Y /* Get the Y value */
mov cx,320
mul cx /* Multiply by 320 */
mov bx,X
add ax,bx
mov bx,ax
mov ax,0xA000 /* Get the offset of */
mov ds,ax /* video memory into DS */
mov al, Color
mov [ds:bx],al /* And put the color there */
pop bx /* Retrieve registers */
pop ds
void GetPoint( int X, int Y, unsigned char *Color )
asm {
mov ax,Y /* Get the Y value */
mov cx,320
mul cx /* Multiply by 320 */
mov bx,X
add ax,bx /* Add X Offset */
push ax
mov ax,0xA000 /* Get the offset of */
mov es,ax /* video memory into DS */
pop bx
mov al,es:[bx] /* Get the color */
*Color = _AL;